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WordPress sutra is your destination for learning everything about WordPress. This blog is part of the famous ShoutDreams blog network.
WPSutra is for anyone who is using WordPress for their blog or website or wants to build one using WordPress.
I started this blog for my love to explore & learn more about WordPress plugins & tricks. Here I share all the cool stuff that I discover while running my other award-winning blog ShoutMeLoud. This blog is regularly updated with the latest stuff that you need to know about WordPress.
Man Behind WordPress Guide Blog:
Hey, I’m Harsh Agrawal & WPSutra is my brainchild.
You might have noticed me blogging on ShoutMeLoud, most of the time. After blogging for years, I realized one of the hardest parts for many is setting up and running a WordPress blog. Yes, WordPress installation is very straight-forward, but best installation is when your blog is not only SEO friendly, but all plugins are configured properly.
Moreover, with time you need to constantly manage and update your blog. Here at WPSutra, I share my WordPress experiences and help newbies and existing WordPress bloggers to make most out of their blog. You can keep yourself updated by joining us on following social network:
You can also subscribe to our RSS feeds, to keep yourself constantly updated with the latest update. If you need any particular WordPress tutorial or have any query related to WordPress, you can use this contact form.
Happy to have you on board! 🙂